Seven videos by Ken Beatty
Our online teaching expert Ken Beatty, has created seven short videos to help inspire you and offer you some practical advice when taking a distance teaching and learning approach. He will focus on the needs of teachers and learners of all ages and at all levels, exploring how to get organized, plan effectively, stay motivated and keep learners engaged.
Handy guide to teaching online by Lindsay Warwick
A guide to teaching online, to understand how to choose the right tools, how to exploit your platform’s features to achieve learning aims and how to engage learners in an online lesson.
Career skills with Rachael Roberts
How can we best prepare students for the world of work? Education is not just about preparing students to succeed at specific subjects, but also about preparing them to contribute to society. A key part of this is what is often called ‘career skills’, or those skills which will make our students valued employees and colleagues. Join Rachael Roberts, education for thirty years now as a teacher, teacher trainer, and materials writer, for a series of videos which explore how you can implement teaching career skills into your classroom.